Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator

Unlock in-depth analytics of any Instagram profile with our free Engagement Rate Calculator. Enter the Instagram profile below to see how top brands & influencers connect with their audiences.

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Live, automated Instagram reporting, get those hours in your week back!

No more manual data entry. Keyhole lets you track your Instagram account & compare campaign performance with your competitors.

Reports are actively generating in the background, ready in seconds when you need it.

Influencer Discovery and Metrics made easy

The complexity of influencer metrics is a thing of the past. Compare Influencer data with follower trends, engagement rates, and more.

No more searching, no more guessing, no more waiting for reports. Get the insights you need and send that DM!

Competitive Analysis & Benchmarking Tool

Stories & Reels: Live performance analytics in one place.

Step into a holistic view of your Instagram performance with a single, intuitive dashboard. Gain insights into likes, comments, views, skips, and beyond with our personalized analytics.

Understand your audience’s behavior and engagement patterns, so you can make your next move.

Loved by 100,000+ agencies, global brands & nonprofits

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Engagement Rate?

The engagement rate is a metric used to assess the average number of interactions your social media content receives per follower.

Great engagement is the best signal that an influencer’s followers will take action and that collaboration will yield a positive ROI for you or your organization.

Note: You need to authenticate your Instagram account to get a more accurate Engagement Rate of your profile.

How do you calculate Instagram Engagement Rate?

The engagement rate is calculated as the total number of interactions your content receives divided by your total number of followers, multiplied by 100%.

Instagram Engagement Rate = Total Engagement / Total Instagram Followers x 100%

In this case:

Total Engagement = the sum of all interactions (shares, comments, reactions, etc.) Total Instagram Followers = the number of people who follow your Instagram account.

Can I use Keyhole Instagram Analytics for free?

Yes! Keyhole offers a 7-day free trial and doesn’t require a credit card. Use Keyhole’s Instagram account tracking to monitor your hashtag campaigns, measure your influencers’ ROI, and create client-ready reports to share the results.

Does Keyhole support other platforms as well?

Yes! Keyhole supports Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn & YouTube. Plus: millions of news, blogs, and forum sites, so you can spot every media mention of your brand or keyword, and capitalize on more opportunities!

Put an end to manual legwork once and for all.